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Full text of "Posner Gerald Case Open Promotional Letters"

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7627 Old Receiver Rd. 
Frederick, MD 21702 


Dear %. Sofire, 

Rabbi Sam II. Silver, cl sar friend of suy .youth, suggests tliat I aen^ you this book. 

It io 20-25 percent of the manuncript, the publisher ^ laving _/fpparently\ decided 
that tills portion i3 powerful enough and that a smaller book could sell for less and 
reach more people. 

In the rush to publish mistakes tliat will be obvious were unfortunately made* 

But these mistakes do not include the text, nbout which Posner has been silent* 

I do not know whether 3am told y u that my first book was the first on the 
Warren Report and that in neither it nor the seven that followed is there any con- 
spiracy theorizing* % work comes almost entirely from the official record* 

I used FOISA'and have about a third of a million pages of onco-withheld records tliat 
will when I can no longer use them be a permanent free arcliive , with all else i have, 
a local ^ood College, a fine, small one. 

I remember with appreciation a fine column you wrote about FOIA. Tliank& for it* 
Several of my suits were precedental. When tlio investigatoryj^iles exemption was 
amended in 1974, one of my suits was cited as requiring tliat amending. 

I make all available to all writing IP the field, without supervision or chairge* 
Even tiies^l Iznou tliax most will write what I do not agree with* 

ner and his wife spent tliree days liere and copied whatever they wanted. 

Not tliat you am tell thin from his book. He used those copies as his own work, 
this is typical of his book* 

I do not laio.. whether you wil^l read this book but if you do and if you have any 

questions, i 11 be glad to answer them. 

Sorry abont my typing. I f m 81 , limited in what I can do, and it can be no better. 


Harold Vfeisber^